
Welcome to Opium's documentation!


Opium is a web framework for OCaml.


In order to build an Opium app, you will need to install a few dependencies on your system. You can use either Esy to Opam for this.

Install with Opam

To install Opium with opam, you can run opam install opium. You can then run opam info opium to make sure the library has been installed correctly.

Install with Esy

To install Opium with esy, you can run esy add @opam/opium, this will add an entry "@opam/opium": "*" to your package.json and install the dependency. You can then run esy ls-modules to make sure the library has been installed correctly.

Use in a Dune project

To use Opium in your dune project, you can add opium to the libraries stanza in your dune file.

If you are building a library, this will look like this:

  (public_name mylib)
  (libraries opium))

And for an executable:

  (public_name myexe)
  (libraries opium))

That's it, you can now start using Opium!

Getting Started

Here is an example of a simple Opium application:

open Opium

let hello _req = Response.of_plain_text "Hello World" |> Lwt.return

let greet req =
  let name = Router.param req "name" in
  Printf.sprintf "Hello, %s" name |> Response.of_plain_text |> Lwt.return

let () =
  let open App in
  |> App.get "/" hello
  |> App.get "/greet/:name" greet
  |> App.run_command
  |> ignore

When run, the executable will start an HTTP server with two endpoints:

API documentation